
Episode 119 – Beating The Broken Cookie Effect

Episode 119 – Beating The Broken Cookie Effect

In this episode, Patty Block shares how you can price for value and stop settling for crumbs. In 2006, Patty founded The Block Group to empower women business owners who are experts in their fields.  As their trusted advisor, she brings a unique perspective, having experienced and solved many of the same complex issues women face, as leaders, as moms, daughters and sisters.  Patty teaches women how to shift their mindset and build their confidence to generate more revenue with less stress by reimagining pricing and selling.  She’s a firm believer that, when women earn more, everyone around them benefits - their staff, their family and their community.  Clients often refer to Patty as their “business therapist” and “secret weapon.”  By establishing long-term relationships and serving as a strategic sounding board, clients experience direct benefits…
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Episode 118 – Fulfill Your Vision With Fabulous Eyeglasses

Episode 118 – Fulfill Your Vision With Fabulous Eyeglasses

In this episode, Jen Steir goes over the process for helping you find the look that is uniquely and authentically yours in her wide selection of uncommonly fresh frames. Jen discovered she had a petite face when she couldn’t find interesting glasses that actually fit. She was done spending thousands on huge, ill-fitting frames, then little girls’ frames, and finally, just plain boring ones. Luckily, she had an inside track on the solution: her dad was an optometrist, so she knew the industry inside and out. In pursuit of frames that dazzled without distracting, Jen hit the eyewear trade show circuit and built a network of independent designers. Before long, she left her high-tech corporate career to pursue her dream full-time: helping others find frames that not only fit, but also light…
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Episode 117 – Doing the Right Thing When You Must Lay Off

Episode 117 – Doing the Right Thing When You Must Lay Off

**AD FREE** Did you know that by not having an off boarding process in place, you're losing out on re-hireable talent? In this episode, Tonia Martinez shares the various important considerations employers should make and implement in order to do what is right for their employees when lay off’s arise. After 22 years in Corporate America, Tonia made her dream a reality by Founding Career Transformations, a Recruiting Consulting Firm. She designed an Outplacement Program to provide support to employers that need to lay off one or multiple individuals. Tonia is a Career Specialist that optimizes opportunities for employers and individuals on the job market.  The 3 services she offers are: ☑ Recruitment Needs while staying focused on Finding the Right Person for the Right Seat, the First Time Around with a proven track record…
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Episode 116 – The Peacemaker’s Path

Episode 116 – The Peacemaker’s Path

In this episode, Jerry Zehr shares how we can build bridges of peace in our own lives, communities and our world. Jerry is an ordained minister and has been a leader in interfaith ministries for over 35 years. He has helped create four interfaith organizations, including the Carmel Interfaith Alliance and the Indiana Multifaith Network. His new book The Peacemaker's Path: Multifaith Reflections to Deepen Your Spirituality brings together wisdom from the world's major religious traditions, including Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Native American spiritualities, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism, showing that we have much more in common than what divides us. Through daily readings that explore the tenets, teachings, writings, and prayers of these diverse faith traditions, you will gain new insight, understanding, and connection with people from different religious backgrounds. Each…
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Episode 115 – The ASK Framework

Episode 115 – The ASK Framework

In this episode, Carole Stizza PCC, SHRM-SCP shares the questions we should be asking to elevate your influence, performance and leadership. Carole is an Executive Leadership Coach, Senior H.R. Professional, and a Strength Strategy Specialist who coaches professionals to get clear on what matters most to them, especially around how they want to measure success for break through tomorrows.  She holds a master’s in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, supported a military family across the U.S. for 26 years, and has received awards that include Woman of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, and her favorite: coolest ‘Ya-Ya’ from her 4 year old grandson. She currently guides executives in the public, private, IT, marketing, non-profit, and government space.  Carole speaks internationally and is a contributing author in: Compassion @ work (2017), Coach Wisdom Vol 1 (2019),…
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Episode 114 – Phone Video 101

Episode 114 – Phone Video 101

***AD FREE*** In this episode, Heather Hukari shares why video is so important to use in your business and how you can start creating quality video on your phone right away. Heather is a video professional of 20 years, so she KNOWS video! She loves creating professional video, but her passion lies in teaching others how to create video themselves using JUST their smartphone. She has an amazing online course called PhoneVideo101 that covers everything you need to know to shoot AND edit video on your phone. Visit www.learn.phonevideo101.com/go to learn more.  Search for @phonevideo101 to connect on Instagram and Facebook. Live Blissed Out Listeners take $20 off using code: blissedout In this episode we cover: 1:42 Importance Of Video 3:21 Building Connection 6:14 Video Basics 10:13 Camera Brave 11:44 Practice 13:12 Authenticity 15:34 Attracting…
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Episode 113 – Find Your Happi

Episode 113 – Find Your Happi

In this episode, Vernon Brown talks about how you can achieve happiness. With over 15 years’ experience as a trainer and coach Vernon is the happiness and success coach. He shows entrepreneurs how to leverage happiness to become more successful, strategic, and influential both personally and professionally. Scaling business to 6 figures in six months or less without sacrificing personal time. Happiness is a gift and a tool we were shown during childhood but forgot as we got older, let's remember it together. Happi is the way! Visit www.whatsyourhappi.com & www.ownyourhappi.com and to learn more. In this episode we cover: 3:59 Self Awareness 6:05 Communicate Your Needs 8:42 Proper Framing 10:33 Your True Self 13:33 Judgement 15:28 Positivity Takes Effort 19:49 Counterbalance 21:42 Altruism Thanks so much for tuning in again this week. I appreciate you  🙂 Have…
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Episode 112 – Find Your Mountain Freedom

Episode 112 – Find Your Mountain Freedom

***AD FREE*** In this episode, Zach Snavely talks about the positive impact the outdoors has on our mental health. Zach is a 13 year US Coast Guard Veteran.  Since 2015 he has spent most of his time in Africa and the Middle East conducting military training and operations assisting in globalized anti and counter terrorism.  In 2020, Zach recognized an opportunity for commemorating Colorado’s 14,000 summits and co-founded Mountain Freedom Coins. Visit www.mountainfreedomcoins.co to learn more.  In this episode we cover: 1:49 Mountain Freedom Concept 3:29 A Movement 4:54 58 Coins 5:52 Community 7:52 The Stigma Of Mental Health 10:29 Camaraderie 13:06 Sense Of Accomplishment 15:31 Mountain Freedom Family Thanks so much for tuning in again this week. I appreciate you  🙂 Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in…
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Episode 111 – Pave Your Way

Episode 111 – Pave Your Way

***AD FREE*** In this episode, Nina Cashman explores the real pain points that anyone faces while embarking on a major career or life transition. We’ll also touch upon key factors that will help you move through your “transitional hallway,” in order to create a clear roadmap that fuels you with confidence for your next career move.  Nina is a PCC-Certified Career Transition and Executive Coach, Lead Trainer for the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, and Founder of PAVE YOUR WAY, which is dedicated to helping business leaders develop visions beyond what’s currently in front of them, in order to pave their own unique paths towards success. PAVE YOUR WAY utilizes the Core Energy Coaching method to explore the thoughts, feelings and behaviors that drive our reality, so we can shift outcomes and…
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Episode 110 – How To Master Gentle Parenting

Episode 110 – How To Master Gentle Parenting

In this episode, Paige LeGault explains the importance of Gentle Parenting and provides parents with tips on how to apply it. Paige is the owner and founder of Parenting Practice of Colorado and a certified Pediatric Sleep Specialist, proudly trained through Sleep Sense. She is also a gentle parent coach. Her extensive background in early childhood education as well as her history working with a wide variety of all types of families over the past 16 years allows her the confidence and ability to help each family with their unique circumstances. She is dedicated to supporting parents as they assist their babies and children in learning healthy sleep habits as well as navigating  parenting. She truly believes the right support and education can get any family out of the weeds!  Visit www.parentingpracticeco.com to learn more. In…
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