
Episode 99 – Credit Card Processing Basics

Episode 99 – Credit Card Processing Basics

In this episode Bruce Speegle shares key information on merchant processing, so you know what to consider to make the right choice for your business. Bruce founded and operates the Independent Sales Office known as SG-Associates, LLC.  For 18 years, Bruce and SGA have developed a unique and time tested philosophy that strategy to assist Merchants with their credit card processing needs.  With 9 offices covering 42 states, SGA’s clients experience the best suited products and services to maximize their processing needs while paying the lowest processing prices in the market.  SGA has developed valuable relationships with the nation’s top processors, equipment providers and third party providers in  our industry. To learn more visit www.sg-associatesllc.com In this episode we cover: Overview What's Really Going On A True Picture Quick Win Customer Service Thanks…
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Episode 98 – You’re Only As Good As The Story You Tell

Episode 98 – You’re Only As Good As The Story You Tell

In this episode Lori Dubois shows us how telling stories is a critical communication tool, not just a method of entertainment and how crafting your big (and little) stories and telling them effectively can help you build stronger relationships, attract the right people to your business, and differentiate you in the marketplace. Lori Dubois is the owner of Marketing Troubadour, a marketing and branding firm focused on providing strategic advice and content-related marketing to small businesses. She believes every business is unique in the marketplace because no one has the same story as anyone else. Her left-brain, right-brain balance gives her an approach that is both creative and analytical (harder to find than you'd think).  A marketer by trade, librarian by training, and storyteller by nature, Lori loves bringing people together around…
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Episode 97 – High-performance isn’t about “doing more”

Episode 97 – High-performance isn’t about “doing more”

Haylee Kalani is a creative self-mastery coach who lives life in pursuit of bringing not only her dreams but others into reality. She's forever felt a deep longing for satisfaction, excitement, and playfulness in everyday life... that's what drives her curiosity and high-performance lifestyle. To learn more visit www.hkalaniconsulting.com In this episode we cover: Creativity Defined Nurturing Creativity Self Awareness Creative Archetype Triple D Method Negativity Thanks so much for tuning in again this week. I appreciate you  🙂 Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the Feedback section. Special thanks to Haylee Kalani for being on the show. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the show If you have a question or comment…
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Episode 96 – Time Freedom

Episode 96 – Time Freedom

Our time is our most valuable resource, and in today’s fast-paced society, it’s all too easy to lose track of it in pursuit of our endless to-do’s.  In this episode, Vanessa Zamy shares better ways that business owners can be more efficient and effective so they ‘hustle while breathing’ while optimizing the synergy between their life and business. She is a business expert, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of FINISH: The Solopreneur’s Guide To Getting Stuff Done. Vanessa is dedicated to helping full-time employees transition to entrepreneurship, time freedom, and financial freedom by growing their business while employed. Since starting her business while employed in 2019, Vanessa was able to peacefully and calmly leave her six-figure day job in early 2021 and never look back. Her motto: keep it simple, then keep it movin’!…
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Episode 95 – UnLearning

Episode 95 – UnLearning

In this episode, Amanda HarNess shares why change in business is so challenging and provides techniques to be more successful with fostering lasting outcomes. Amanda is founder and CEO of Kinetic Spark, a Business Consulting firm focused on developing strategic operations for service-based businesses. The firm’s purpose is to help businesses create a foundation so they can operate and grow with confidence. The goal is to increase customer satisfaction, create a fulfilling work environment, and regain lost revenue. She helps to solve people and process problems in order to ignite business growth. To learn more visit https://kinetic-spark.com/ In this episode we cover: Cookie Cutter UnLearning Explained First Step For UnLearning Second Step For UnLearning Last Step For UnLearning Doing Things Differently Transformation Get Outcomes Faster Albert Einstein Quote Quick Exercise Thanks so much…
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Episode 94 – Prescription Drugs: What You May Not Know

Episode 94 – Prescription Drugs: What You May Not Know

In this episode, Dr. Melissa Balizan shares how medications may only be treating your symptoms, not necessarily your problems. After 52,000 clinical hours, and 26 years of pharmaceutical training she witnessed first hand how dangerous it can be as our bodies become dependent on these medications and additional medications are prescribed to treat the symptoms of other medications.  Some of her clients call her the “Root Cause Dr.” because she spends her time creating personalized therapeutic plans to determine the root cause so they can free themselves of most of their medications and welcome in “lifestyle medicine”, consisting of a combination of Eastern, supplements, nutrition and movement. To learn more visit www.drmelissabalizan.com Offer:  Drugs are killing us! So, say no to drugs for your future self today by scheduling a FREE brief…
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Episode 93 – From Coffee to Caregiving: The CUP Metaphor

Episode 93 – From Coffee to Caregiving: The CUP Metaphor

Joining us is Jenny Reynolds, an Aging Life Care Specialist at Graceful Guidance Care Management.   She works to honor older adults as they age and support & guide them on the challenging walk through later life. She’s particularly passionate about helping overwhelmed family members reclaim the time and energy to stay connected to their loved ones while still getting important things done. Her specialty area is working with busy professionals who are caring for their aging loved ones who have dementia or other significant medical or mental health issues. To learn more visit https://www.jennythecaremanager.com/ In this episode we cover: Mary's Story Senior Companion Unskilled Caregiver & Private Nurse Signs Challenge Thanks so much for tuning in again this week. I appreciate you  🙂 Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in…
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Episode 92 – Top 3 Strategies To Master Delegation At Home

Episode 92 – Top 3 Strategies To Master Delegation At Home

Joining us is Valerie Recore, a productivity specialist, a time giver, and a decision-maker at Home Most Simple. She works with overwhelmed and overcommitted moms. She’s been there. She gets it. She has 2 young kids, a husband, her own business, and occasionally a social life. She too has felt like there’s too much on her plate. With a background in mental health and corporate training, she’s ready to guide you toward a better relationship with time. She loves to travel and looks forward to doing more of it as her kids grow. On rare occasions, you can find her on the couch or back porch with a cup of coffee or glass of wine, reading a book. If you’re feeling pulled in too many directions, she’s here to help. …
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Episode 91 – Lessons From Grandma: The Benefits Of Sustainability

Episode 91 – Lessons From Grandma: The Benefits Of Sustainability

Joining us is Kandra Churchwell, owner of Denver based Alo Goods.  She makes soaps, skin care, hair care, and oral care products with all-natural ingredients and packaged in sustainable materials. Kandra was highly influenced by her grandma as a child. Ma taught her how to paint and draw, how to do household chores with a smile, and how to use a little as possible to get a job done… whether it was being time efficient with your chores so you could have more play time, or using only the right amount of “stuff” to save money. Kandra is also the author of The Natural Soap Color Palette, a book for soap makers to help them learn how to make soaps without synthetic or lab made colorants. Locally, Kandra is an active member of…
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Episode 90 – Rediscover Your Play To Do Your Best Work

Episode 90 – Rediscover Your Play To Do Your Best Work

Jeff Harry shows individuals and companies how to tap into their true selves, to feel their happiest and most fulfilled — all by playing. Jeff has worked with Google, Microsoft, Southwest Airlines, Adobe, the NFL, Amazon, and Facebook, helping their staff to infuse more play into the day-to-day. Jeff is an international speaker who has presented at conferences such as INBOUND, SXSW, and Australia’s Pausefest, showing audiences how major issues in the workplace can be solved using play.  Jeff was selected by BambooHR & Engagedly as one of the Top 100 HR Influencers of 2020 for his organizational development work around dealing with toxic people in the workplace. His play work has most recently been featured in the Upworthy, Mashable, Shondaland, and the NY Times. He has also been featured…
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